Γ‰cole Handsworth Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Daily Announcements

​​Monday, February 17
Family Day
School is closed
​​Tuesday, February 18
Week 1 - Day 2

​08:30 - 09:11 Tutorial
09:11 - 10:21 Period 5
10:25 - 11:35 Period 6
11:40 - 12:50 Period 7
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch
13:50 - 15:00 Period 8​​​​
​Last Day​ to submit Grad Write-ups and Baby Pictures
Need help? Ms. Desfosses' room (1052) will be open at lunch with computers available for use. Don’t wait until the last minuteβ€”technical issues in the evening will not be accommodated, and missing the deadline means missing out. No exceptions!

​​Wednesday, February 19
Week 1 - Day 1

​​​08:30 - 09:11 Tutorial
09:11 - 10:21 Period 2
10:25 - 11:35 Period 3
11:40 - 12:50 Period 1
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch
13:50 - 15:00 Period 4​
​​Thursday, February 20
Week 1 - Day 2

​08:30 - 09:11 Tutorial
09:11 - 10:21 Period 6
10:25 - 11:35 Period 7
11:40 - 12:50 Period 5
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch
13:50 - 15:00 Period 8​​​
​Royals Hot Lunch pick up is at the start ​of Lunch 12:50 Grand Commons

​​Friday, February 21
Week 1 - Day 1

​08:30 - 09:11 Tutorial
09:11 - 10:21 Period 3
10:25 - 11:35 Period 1
11:40 - 12:50 Period 2
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch
13:50 - 15:00 Period 4​
​​Saturday, February 22
​Sunday, February 23
​Monday, February 24
Week 2 - Day 2

​08:30 - 09:11 Tutorial by appointment
09:11 - 10:21 Period 7
10:25 - 11:35 Period 5
11:40 - 12:50 Period 6
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch
13:50 - 15:00 Period 8​​​​​
Jazz Bands at Kiwanis Music Festival

​Royals Hot Lunch pick up is at the start β€‹of Lunch 12:50 Grand Commons

Handsworth Parent Advisory Council Meeting​ 7:00 PM
Please pre-register via ZOOM​

Young Entrepreneurship and Leadership YELL Information Night​
Students and parents are welcome
18:30 to 17:30 at Education Services Centre (ESC)
5th floor, 2121 Lonsdale Ave
​​Tuesday, February 25
Week 2 - Day 1

​08:30 - 09:11 Tutorial
09:11 - 10:21 Period 1
10:25 - 11:35 Period 2
11:40 - 12:50 Period 3
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch
13:50 - 15:00 Period 4​​​​
​Musical Performance by Choir & Band Students:  Accused Ever After
General seating Doors open at 19:10, show begins at 19:30
​​Wednesday, February 26
Staff Collaboration Day
Classes begin at 09:50
Week 2 - Day 2​

​​​No Tutorial
​09:50 - 10:52 Period 5
10:56 - 11:56 Period 6
12:00 - 13:00 Period 7
13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH​
14:00 - 15:00 Period 8
​Staff Collaboration Day, classes begin at 09:50

​Musical Performance by Choir & Band Students:  Accused Ever After
General seating Doors open at 19:10, show begins at 19:30
​​Thursday, February 27
Week 2 - Day 1

​08:30 - 09:11 Tutorial
09:11 - 10:21 Period 2
10:25 - 11:35 Period 3
11:40 - 12:50 Period 1
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch
13:50 - 15:00 Period 4​​​​
​​Friday, February 28
Week 2 - Day 2
​08:30 - 09:11 Tutorial
09:11 - 10:21 Period 6
10:25 - 11:35 Period 7
11:40 - 12:50 Period 5
12:50 - 13:50 Lunch
13:50 - 15:00 Period 8​​​​
​Last Day to order a Yearbook through your School Cash On-Line account.
Not sure if your purchased one?  Check your account under the History Tab to view your receipt. ​​




Γ‰cole Handsworth Secondary

1033 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7R 2A7 | 604.903.3600 604.903.3601 | handsworth@sd44.ca